First Annual Sporting Clay Tournament - Schrader's Bridgetown Manor
Monday, July 23, 2018
The Goldsboro VFC would like to thank all who attended, Schrader's Outdoor for opening thier doors to our organization. It was a day filled with shotgun shells and laughter of the ones that got away.
The raffle ticket winners are as follows: Benelli Nova- Buddy Wooters
Camo Cornhole Boards- Wayne Spicher
$50.00- Matt Morean
Once again the Goldsboro VFC would like to thank its sponsors making this event such a wonderful event: First Due BBQ
Secrist Furniture
Hobbs Contractors, Inc.
Towers Concrete
Foam Works LLC
Bullocks Deli
Golf Cart Sales and Service
Trice Auctions
JMJ Farms