House Fire - 27001 River Bridge Rd
Wednesday, July 4, 2018
Stations 700, 56(Marydel) & 600(Greensboro) were alerted for a working house fire at 0100 hrs. 56-15(B.Madden) was the first to arrive POV with smoke showing from a one story rancher style house. E703 with a crew of 7 with 716 (B.Cahall) arrived and 716 assumed River Bridge Rd command. E703 took an attack line through the back door for an offensive attack. E56-1 with a crew of 6 with 56-17 (J.Melvin) was next to arrive and pulled another line to back up the interior crew. E702 arrived with a crew of 3 with 715 (J.T. Bartz). 715 had water supply. T56 with a crew of 2 and 56-16 (T.Simonsen) arrived and hooked to the supply line. T704 and T606, C6 staged and E603 and R600 proceeded to the scene. E603 ventilated the structure and R600 set up to fill air bottles. Command placed situation under control with a room and contents fire and asked for a FM to respond. Units worked on scene for approx. 1.5 hrs.