MVC - Bridgetown Rd and Cutoff Rd

Wednesday, July 4, 2018
Station 700 and 600 (Greensboro) were struck out for Rescue Box 7-4, MVC involving a Dumptruck. Officer 721 was first to arrive with a status patient still inside of passenger car. Pm17, E702 responded with a crew of 6 under direction 717 (D.Wothers). R600 responded with 5 (Bambary) and E604 responded with 3 (Harvey). E702 arrived and 717 assumed Bridgetown Rd command. No entrapment pt. had self extricated from the car. Crew from E702 and R600 stablized the car, while E604 handled the landing zone for Trooper 6. Once Trooper 6 went airborne the incident was placed under control and all appartus returned to service.

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